Pokemon Sword and Shield Chansey is a Normal Type Egg Pokémon, which makes it weak confronting Fighting type moves. You tin can observe and grab Chansey in Fields of Honor with a 2% chance to announced during Normal Atmospheric condition weather. The Max IV Stats of Chansey are 250 HP, five Attack, 35 SP Attack, 5 Defense, 105 SP Defense, and fifty Speed.

Chansey Galar Pokedex ID: ?

List of Chansey Max IV Stats in Pokemon SW SH.

Stat Amount Bar Graph
Total 450
HP 250
Set on 5
Defense five
Special Attack 35
Special Defense 105
Speed fifty

Based on this pokemon's stats we consider the best nature for Chansey to have is Calm, this will increase information technology'south Sp. Def and decrease it'south Attack stats.

Chansey Abilities

Ability Blazon Event
Natural Cure Normal
Serence Grace Normal
Healer Subconscious

Pokemon Sword and Shield Chansey Evolutions

How do i get Chansey'south evolution in Pokemon Sword and Shield?

Pokemon Sword and Shield Happiny evolves into Chansey with a hold Oval Stone, Daytime. Chansey then evolves into its final development Blissey with a loftier Friendship.

hold Oval Stone, Daytime


high Friendship


Pokemon CP Atk Def Sp Atk Sp Def Hp Spd


220 5 5 15 65 100 xxx


450 5 5 35 105 250 fifty


540 ten 10 75 135 255 55

Chansey Locations in Pokemon Sword and Shield

Where exercise i find and how to become Chansey?

A popular spawn location you can find Chansey is in the Fields of Laurels area with a 2% chance to spawn during Normal atmospheric condition.

Overworld Spawns (Visible in-game)

Pokemon Location Atmospheric condition Spawn Lvl

Fields of Laurels

2% 10 - fifteen

Fields of Laurels

2% x - xv

Fields of Honor

ii% 10 - xv

Fields of Honor

ii% 10 - 15

Fields of Laurels

2% 10 - 15

Fields of Honor

two% 10 - 15

Fields of Honor

2% 10 - 15

Fields of Honor

two% 10 - 15

Soothing Wetlands

2% ten - fifteen

Soothing Wetlands

2% ten - 15

Soothing Wetlands

2% 10 - 15

Soothing Wetlands

2% 10 - 15

Soothing Wetlands

2% 10 - xv

Soothing Wetlands

2% 10 - 15

Soothing Wetlands

2% 10 - xv

Soothing Wetlands

2% 10 - xv

Woods of Focus

2% ten - 15

Wood of Focus

two% ten - fifteen

Wood of Focus

2% x - 15

Woods of Focus

2% ten - 15

Wood of Focus

2% 10 - 15

Forest of Focus

2% x - 15

Woods of Focus

ii% x - 15

Forest of Focus

2% 10 - xv

Challenge Embankment

two% 10 - 15

Challenge Beach

2% 10 - xv

Claiming Beach

2% 10 - 15

Challenge Beach

2% 10 - 15

Claiming Beach

2% 10 - 15

Claiming Beach

two% 10 - xv

Claiming Beach

2% 10 - 15

Challenge Beach

ii% 10 - 15

Challenge Beach

2% 10 - 15

Brawlers' Cave

ii% 13 - 18

Brawlers' Cave

2% 13 - eighteen

Brawlers' Cave

2% 13 - xviii

Brawlers' Cave

2% 13 - eighteen

Brawlers' Cave

2% 13 - 18

Brawlers' Cavern

2% 13 - 18

Brawlers' Cave

2% 13 - xviii

Brawlers' Cave

2% thirteen - 18

Challenge Road

2% xvi - 21

Challenge Road

two% 16 - 21

Challenge Road

two% sixteen - 21

Challenge Road

2% 16 - 21

Challenge Road

2% 16 - 21

Challenge Road

2% 16 - 21

Claiming Road

2% xvi - 21

Challenge Road

2% 16 - 21

Courageous Cavern

ii% 13 - xviii

Courageous Cave

2% 13 - 18

Courageous Cavern

2% 13 - 18

Mettlesome Cavern

ii% 13 - 18

Courageous Cavern

two% 13 - 18

Courageous Cavern

2% 13 - 18

Mettlesome Cavern

2% 13 - xviii

Courageous Cavern

2% xiii - 18

Loop Lagoon

ii% 16 - 21

Loop Lagoon

two% xvi - 21

Loop Lagoon

two% 16 - 21

Loop Lagoon

two% 16 - 21

Loop Lagoon

ii% 16 - 21

Loop Lagoon

2% 16 - 21

Loop Lagoon

2% 16 - 21

Loop Lagoon

2% 16 - 21

Training Lowlands

two% xiii - xviii

Preparation Lowlands

ii% thirteen - 18

Preparation Lowlands

2% thirteen - 18

Training Lowlands

2% thirteen - 18

Training Lowlands

2% xiii - 18

Training Lowlands

2% xiii - eighteen

Training Lowlands

two% thirteen - 18

Training Lowlands

ii% 13 - eighteen

Warm-Upwards Tunnel

ii% 16 - 21

Warm-Upwards Tunnel

2% 16 - 21

Warm-Up Tunnel

2% 16 - 21

Warm-Up Tunnel

2% xvi - 21

Warm-Upwards Tunnel

2% xvi - 21

Warm-Up Tunnel

two% 16 - 21

Warm-Up Tunnel

two% 16 - 21

Warm-Upwardly Tunnel

two% 16 - 21

Potbottom Desert

2% xix - 24

Potbottom Desert

2% 19 - 24

Potbottom Desert

ii% xix - 24

Potbottom Desert

2% 19 - 24

Potbottom Desert

ii% 19 - 24

Potbottom Desert

2% 19 - 24

Potbottom Desert

2% 19 - 24

Potbottom Desert

ii% 19 - 24

Workout Sea

two% 40 - 45

Workout Sea

two% 40 - 45

Workout Sea

2% 40 - 45

Workout Sea

two% xl - 45

Conditioning Bounding main

2% 40 - 45

Workout Body of water

ii% xl - 45

Workout Bounding main

ii% xl - 45

Workout Sea

2% xl - 45

Workout Sea - Expanse 2

2% forty - 45

Conditioning Sea - Surface area 2

2% forty - 45

Workout Sea - Area ii

2% 40 - 45

Workout Sea - Area 2

2% 40 - 45

Workout Sea - Area 2

ii% 40 - 45

Workout Bounding main - Expanse 2

2% 40 - 45

Workout Ocean - Area two

2% forty - 45

Workout Sea - Surface area 2

two% 40 - 45

Stepping-Rock Sea

2% forty - 45

Stepping-Stone Sea

2% twoscore - 45

Stepping-Stone Sea

ii% twoscore - 45

Stepping-Stone Sea

2% xl - 45

Stepping-Stone Sea

2% twoscore - 45

Stepping-Stone Bounding main

two% forty - 45

Stepping-Stone Sea

2% 40 - 45

Stepping-Stone Sea

2% 40 - 45

Honeycalm Island

2% 40 - 45

Honeycalm Island

two% 40 - 45

Honeycalm Island

two% 40 - 45

Honeycalm Island

2% 40 - 45

Honeycalm Island

two% 40 - 45

Honeycalm Island

2% 40 - 45

Honeycalm Isle

two% 40 - 45

Honeycalm Isle

2% xl - 45

Fields of Honor

2% 10 - 15

Soothing Wetlands

2% 10 - fifteen

Wood of Focus

2% 10 - 15

Challenge Embankment

2% 10 - 15

Brawlers' Cave

ii% 13 - 18

Challenge Route

2% 16 - 21

Courageous Cavern

2% thirteen - xviii

Loop Lagoon

2% xvi - 21

Grooming Lowlands

2% 13 - 18

Warm-Up Tunnel

two% xvi - 21

Potbottom Desert

two% 19 - 24

Workout Body of water

ii% xl - 45

Workout Sea - Surface area 2

ii% xl - 45

Stepping-Rock Ocean

2% 40 - 45

Honeycalm Island

two% 40 - 45

Non Overworld Spawns (Non Visible - Randomly found in tall grass)

Pokemon Location Conditions Spawn Lvl

Fields of Award

10% 13 - 18

Fields of Honor

10% thirteen - 18

Fields of Laurels

x% xiii - xviii

Fields of Honor

10% thirteen - 18

Fields of Award

ten% 13 - 18

Fields of Honour

10% thirteen - 18

Fields of Laurels

10% 13 - 18

Fields of Honor

x% 13 - xviii

Fields of Accolade

10% 13 - 18

Soothing Wetlands

10% 13 - 18

Soothing Wetlands

10% xiii - eighteen

Soothing Wetlands

10% 13 - 18

Soothing Wetlands

ten% thirteen - 18

Soothing Wetlands

10% thirteen - eighteen

Soothing Wetlands

10% 13 - xviii

Soothing Wetlands

10% xiii - 18

Soothing Wetlands

10% thirteen - xviii

Soothing Wetlands

10% xiii - 18

Forest of Focus

10% xiii - eighteen

Forest of Focus

10% 13 - 18

Forest of Focus

10% thirteen - 18

Wood of Focus

10% thirteen - 18

Woods of Focus

x% 13 - 18

Forest of Focus

10% 13 - xviii

Forest of Focus

ten% 13 - 18

Wood of Focus

x% 13 - xviii

Forest of Focus

10% xiii - 18

Wood of Focus - Surface area 2

10% xiii - 18

Forest of Focus - Area 2

ten% 13 - 18

Forest of Focus - Area 2

10% xiii - 18

Forest of Focus - Expanse ii

10% 13 - xviii

Forest of Focus - Area 2

10% 13 - 18

Woods of Focus - Surface area ii

10% 13 - 18

Forest of Focus - Area 2

10% 13 - xviii

Forest of Focus - Expanse ii

10% 13 - eighteen

Woods of Focus - Surface area 2

10% 13 - 18

Challenge Road

10% nineteen - 24

Challenge Road

x% 19 - 24

Claiming Route

x% 19 - 24

Challenge Road

x% 19 - 24

Challenge Road

10% xix - 24

Claiming Road

ten% 19 - 24

Claiming Route

x% 19 - 24

Challenge Road

10% xix - 24

Challenge Road

ten% 19 - 24

Loop Lagoon

10% nineteen - 24

Loop Lagoon

10% xix - 24

Loop Lagoon

10% 19 - 24

Loop Lagoon

10% xix - 24

Loop Lagoon

10% 19 - 24

Loop Lagoon

10% 19 - 24

Loop Lagoon

10% xix - 24

Loop Lagoon

10% 19 - 24

Loop Lagoon

10% 19 - 24

Grooming Lowlands

ten% xvi - 21

Preparation Lowlands

10% 16 - 21

Grooming Lowlands

10% 16 - 21

Training Lowlands

10% xvi - 21

Training Lowlands

x% 16 - 21

Grooming Lowlands

10% 16 - 21

Training Lowlands

10% xvi - 21

Training Lowlands

x% 16 - 21

Grooming Lowlands

10% xvi - 21

Workout Sea

ten% 43 - 48

Stepping-Stone Body of water

10% 43 - 48

Insular Sea

ten% 43 - 48

Honeycalm Island

10% 43 - 48

Pokemon Sword and Shield Chansey Raids

Where do i find Chansey Raids?

You can detect Chansey raids in the post-obit locations: Fields of Laurels, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Claiming Beach, Brawlers' Cave, Claiming Road, Courageous Cave, Loop Lagoon, Grooming Lowlands, Potbottom Desert, Workout Ocean, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Ocean, Honeycalm Sea, Honeycalm Island.

You can Click/Tap the links beneath to view where to detect Chansey Raid Spawn Locations in Pokemon Sw and Sh.

  • Fields of Laurels
  • Soothing Wetlands
  • Forest of Focus
  • Challenge Embankment
  • Brawlers' Cavern
  • Challenge Road
  • Courageous Cave
  • Loop Lagoon
  • Grooming Lowlands
  • Potbottom Desert
  • Workout Sea
  • Stepping-Stone Sea
  • Insular Sea
  • Honeycalm Sea
  • Honeycalm Island

Pokemon Sword and Shield Chansey Weakness

Chansey is a Normal Type pokemon. This will cause it to have More than Damage from Fighting Type Moves and will take Less Harm from Ghost type moves.

Damage Types


Immune to Damage


What pokemon is Chansey Weak Against?

What pokemon is Chansey Strong Against?

Pokemon SW and SH Chansey Moves List

What moves can Chansey learn from TMs, TRs, and Leveling?

Chansey can learn the psychic type move Healing Wish at level 52. This Condition move The user faints and the side by side Pokémon released is fully healed. Bolded Pow numbers are adjusted for this pokemon's Normal blazon +50% STAB harm.

  • Level Up Moves
  • TM Moves
    (Reusable Particular)
  • TR Moves
    (One Time Utilise Item)

Chansey Level Up Moves

TM Moves Chansey can larn

Chansey TR Moves